The One Who Got Away

In life, you’ll make note of a lot of people. Ones with whom you shared something special, ones who will always mean something. There’s the one you first kissed, the one your first loved, the one you lost your virginity to, the one you put on a pedestal, the one you’re with… and the one who got away.
Who is the one that got away?
… all you know is that (one day) you’ve changed, and for some reason, the one that got away is the first person you think about. You’ll think about them because you’ll wonder, “What if she/he were here today?” You’ll wonder, “What if we were together now, with me as I am and not as I was?”
That’s what the one who got away is. The biggest what-if you’ll have in your life.
Because the very existence of “the one who got away” means that you’ll always wonder, what if you got that one? Ask him out for coffee; ask her out to a movie, it doesn’t matter if you’ve dropped in from out of nowhere. You’d be surprised, you just might be “the one who got away” as well for the person who is your “the one who got away.”
If the timing is finally right, it’ll all fall into place somehow, and it would be a great feeling, if in the end you’ll be able to say to someone, “Hey you, you are the one who almost got away.”


Aku tidak tahu waktu itu aku sedang berada dimana. Tapi aku bisa menggambarkan keadaan di sekelilingku waktu itu, ya, waktu itu. Beberapa kelompok manusia sedang berlalu-lalang, berjalan, berbincang satu sama lain, menenteng barang bawaan mereka yang sepertinya terlihat cukup berat. Sesekali mereka melepas tawa tanpa peduli menimbulkan bising di sekitarnya ketika ada salah satu di antara mereka yang melontarkan cerita lucu. Sesekali satu di antara mereka mencubit bahkan memukul keras pundak lainnya karena terlalu keras suara tawanya. Tanpa pedulu keadaan sekitarnya. Sepertinya mereka akan bepergian jauh dan sepertinya akan menjadi perjalanan yang cukup menyenangkan bagi mereka. Tapi tetap saja, aku masih belum mengerti, apa nama tempat dimana kakiku kupijakkan sekarang. Matahari mulai tidak malu memperlihatkan hampir semua auratnya ketika aku melihat dua anak kecil berpakaian lusuh, dekil dengan kaleng berdiameter sedang di kedua tangannya. Oh, mereka pengemis jalanan rupanya. Setelah ditolak mentah-mentah oleh seorang bapak tua dengan jenggot putih dan cerutu di tangan kanannya, dua anak kecil itu kemudian terduduk lesu, bersandar di tembok bangunan yang kelihatannya telah berumur lebih dari dua kali umurku. Aku merogoh kedua saku di celanaku dan tidak dapat menemukan apa-apa, ucapan maaf terlontar begitu saja dalam hati ini. Dan aku masih belum bisa menemukan, dimana aku sekarang ketika aku baru saja menyadari bahwa aku sedang berada di stasiun kereta. Oh pantas ramai sekali. Kutengok kanan, kemudian kiri, kemudian belakang. Maju beberapa langkah, mencari-cari orang yang bisa aku kenal. Aku hampir saja putus asa waktu itu dan kurebahkan saja badanku di sebuah kursi kayu tua yang tampaknya sudah mulai reyot. Diam. Diam dalam keramaian sebuah stasiun kereta. Dan pada akhirnya aku merasa bahwa seseorang sedang menduduki kursi kayu tua di ujung lainnya.

"Hei, sedang apa kamu di sini? Kau membuntutiku ya?", aku menemukan seorang laki-laki yang aku kenal sedang mengajakku bicara tiba-tiba.
"Bagaimana kau datang?"
"Jangan bohong, kau mengikutiku kan?"
Kemudian aku terdiam dan teringat. Semalam aku memutuskan untuk pergi ke kota ini untuk bertemu dengan dia, dia yang sedang berada di ujung lain kursi tua ini.
"Lebih baik kau balik saja, sini kubelikan tiket balik kalau kau mau, sepertinya kamu nggak membawa apa-apa kesini, kau kacau banget sih?"
Aku tersadar bahwa aku tidak membawa barang satupun malam itu, bodoh.
"Tidak, aku di sini saja, ada kamu."
"Aku? Aku sudah menetapkan untuk tinggal di sini, kota ini, aku suka sekali dengan kota ini."
"Bukannya kamu pernah bilang jangan sekalipun mengungkit kota ini di depan kedua matamu? Bukannya kamju pernah bilang jangan sekalipun mengungkit satupun kenanganmu di kota ini?", aku sedikit memberikan intonasi pada ucapanku barusan ini dan ketika mataku tiba-tiba menemukan plang yang bertuliskan kota ini.
"Itu dulu, aku sudah berubah pikiran, aku sudah memutuskan", itu kata-kata terakhir yang aku dengar dari seorang dia.
Jantungku mencelos. Dia bukan dia yang biasanya aku kenal, apakah aku salah orang?
Aku melanjutkan langkahku keluar menuju bangunan tua yang kemudian berpapasan dengan seorang kakek rua menggenggam erat jemari wanita di sebelahnya. Aku kembali tidak mengerti dimana aku berada, yang aku tahu hanyalah berjalan dan berjalan. Mungkin aku tak perlu lagi memerdulikan keadaan di sekitarku, mungkin aku tak perlu lagi memberikan kepercayaan berlebih pada seseorang, mungkin aku, mungkin aku..
Dan aku masih terus berjalan..

Beauty and The Beast

Actually I dont even know what I want to write for this post. I just sitting in my own room, eating some snacks (yes, it will increase my weight) and such a walk-blogging. My nephew has just left from here *thankies a lot for last nite dinner at Galaxy Mall, haha*
I just realized that soon i'll back to Jekardah, between happy and sad. Happy because i'll meet with my college and all stuffs about it, sad just because i must leave my lovely hometown, even i didn't get much happiness in here *sigh*.
I had so many problems here, but i won't tell about it in my own site, i think that it's too privacy to share to. But one but the worst of my problems is i had so many pimples in my face. I know that it's been so looong i suffered with it. But this is the worst ever. My mooma suggested me to go to beauty clinic and i did. My boyf took me there, it's been a week but i haven't seen the result. And now I'm freaking out, it really driving me mad. Sad :( I hope i can recover from this disease (what? disease?) because i'm a lady who wanna have a beautiful face just like Princess Belle *lalala~~ LoL.

When Past Met Present

Hey! It's been 2 weeks here, in my hometown, Surabaya. I'm here for term holiday or they called it liburan semester. And it stays the same, I enrolled at university that has vastly different schedules with other universities. In other words, when other universities on vacation, I'm still undergoing tests. And vice versa. So, my friends are busy with their stuffs in colleges, starting their new term, yes they were just going started. Poor me, don't have friends to play with.
And me here, in front of my notebook, writing, browsing and waiting for blackberry messenger from someone out there. I dreamt a dream last nite. Such a random dream, i think, what a random. I dreamt of hmm I mean in my dream I met with people from my past and my present simultaneously. It was awkward. This is the story, my dream.
I was going to such a, maybe a modern market or plaza or whatever it called with someone in my present, it'll be easier if I call "someone in my present" as "person 1". Person 1 accompanied there, and hey... Person 1 looked so so different there, i mean, person 1 was more interest look in my dream! After that, we gotta out there and continued our trip to foodcourt. While we were walking, suddenly i looked someone in my past (i called it person 2). Olala~ I looked at person 2 and friends. Maybe person 1 was surprised with change of my face expression, "Hey, what are you looking for?" "Hmm, nothing, just, I think that now I'm looking at someone in my past.." "Was he your someone special?" "In my past, past" "Okay, let's turn away, we have to look for another way" 
And the world seemed to stop spinning for a while..
Person 1 kept holding my hand, took me to other way to get to the foodcourt. I didn't even know, what person 1 was thinking about at that time. Random. And suddenly, the dream dissapears, don't know where. It became other dreams..
I met Person 3, Person 1's past. It's getting weird. I just saw person 3, I was not involved in that case, I just saw and realized that hey I was looking at you.
In this morning, 8.52 am, still have no idea about my dream last nite. I don't have any idea why do God bring together my past, my present and also his past, eventhough in my dream. *sigh*